Saturday, April 29, 2006

Some shots from Easter

Here are a few shots of Nate this Easter.
Lots of eggs, too much candy and a bubble mower...what kid could ask for more?

Friday, April 28, 2006

Welcome to the BFB!

I recently realized what a crappy job we've been doing of keeping friends and family up to date with all the things going on in K-town (Kent, WA for all you normal people out there). With Benthin 4.0 on the way (aka Ava Kate), and Benthin 3.0 (Nate) getting bigger all the time I thought this might motivate me to take more pictures/video and post them for our friends and loved ones to enjoy.

Like most of the harebrained extra projects I take on, this could very well end up in some dark corner with magazines stacked on it. But, maybe it won't. Or maybe I'll pawn it off on Shannon. ;)

Whatever, it is what it is.....enjoy.

Nate and his cousin Evan embracing their inner "Tim the Toolman Taylor".

"Look at me I'm being a ham in Mommy's chair!"

He FINALLY stopped moving!
