Saturday, May 13, 2006

Nate loves his baby sister!

Ava is off of the bilirubin light and is looking great! She should be out of the incubator soon too.

She is eating every 3 hours now and Shannon is needed for about 4 of them per day. Since Shan isn't allowed to drive, the logistics of our day-to-day lives are pretty crazy right now. So, just because we don't call or write doesn't mean we don't love you anymore. ;)

The doctor is telling us she can come home in 7-10 more days. Nurses are saying she'll go home Monday or Tuesday. I'm not sure if you use the Pythagorean Theorem to figure out when she'll really come home or what...but since the doctor is the one signing release papers, I'm banking on next weekend.


Enough of my ramblings, on to the pics:


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